Ore 15:50 | Prix Maurice De Gheest 3+

Corsa 4 | 1300 m | Pista dritta | Professionisti | GR1


  • € 114.280
  • € 45.720
  • € 22.860
  • € 11.420
  • € 5.720

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
5 Somnus (GB) 1 F 58,0 2 16,00 114.280,00 G. Stevens -
19 Whipper (Usa) 2 F 56,0 10 inc. 4,25 45.720,00 C. Soumillon -
20 Dolma (Fr) 3 F 54,5 4 inc. 20,00 22.860,00 C.P. Lemaire -
3 Ashdown Express (Ire) 4 F 58,0 6 testa 22,00 11.420,00 S. Sanders -
10 The Trader I (Ire) 5 CS 26 P 58,0 15 1 lung. 8,00 5.720,00 D. Sweeney -
6 Lucky Strike (GB) 6 F 58,0 5 2 lung. 14,00 0,00 A. De Vries -
15 Golden Nun (GB) 7 FB 24 P 56,5 8 3/4 lung. 94,00 0,00 R. Winston T.D. Easterby T.G. & M.E Holdcroft -
4 Dexterity (Usa) 8 F 58,0 7 testa 37,00 0,00 T. Jarnet -
1 Monsieur Bond (Ire) 9 F 58,0 19 c.testa 56,00 0,00 F. Lynch -
13 Frizzante (GB) 10 F 56,5 18 inc. 5,50 0,00 J.P. Murtagh -
18 Brunel (Ire) 11 MB 23 56,0 12 22,00 0,00 D. Holland -
8 Royal Millennium (Ire) 12 CB 26 58,0 11 35,00 0,00 T. Durcan M. Channon Jackie e George Smith -
11 Charming Groom (Fr) 13 F 58,0 20 24,00 0,00 O. Peslier -
12 Porlezza (Fr) 14 F 56,5 3 12,00 0,00 D. Boeuf -
17 Seeking The Dia (Usa) 15 F 56,0 9 28,00 0,00 Y. Take -
2 Vasywait (Fr) 16 F 58,0 16 44,00 0,00 F. Spanu -
9 Crystal Castle (Usa) 17 F 58,0 13 9,25 0,00 T. Gillet -
16 Dorubako (Ire) 18 F 56,0 17 48,00 0,00 N. Yokoyama -
7 Millennium Force (GB) - F 58,0 14 0,00 0,00 C. Catlin -
14 Tante Rose - F 56,5 1 0,00 0,00 S. Drowne -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 1.16

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