Ore 17:50 | Premio Campaccio

Corsa 9 | 1660 m | Trio


  • € 2.990
  • € 1.430
  • € 780
  • € 390
  • € 260
  • € 1.300


Le informazioni dal campo sono disponibili solo per gli utenti Professional.

  • Pesante

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo
% %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
Dal campo
Riservato agli utenti Professional
1 Big Desi Camer 98 FB 26
1660 (2003) RSC-RP-5-RP-8-RSC-1-RP-2-5 17.661 17,1 19,7 R. Gradi Mass. Matteini 0 sc. Jolly Stable
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2 Bronx Bi 98 CB 26
1660 (2008) RSC-7-7-5-5-4-3-4-7-1 13.674 16,3 19,7 G. Lombardo jr 14 A. Dianda sc. Nuova Giannotti
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3 Bilbo Baggins 98 MB 26
1660 (2007) 9-RIT-6-RP-RIT-4-5-7-7-8 32.984 15,8 17,6 E. Bellei 21 J. Riordan 0 sc. Del Primo Cent
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4 Barbarossa Gius 98 MS 26
1660 (2007) RIT-4-6-9-5-9-10-10-10-12 21.671 17,2 17,8 E. D'Isanto E. D'Isanto 4 Enzo D'Isanto
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5 Bologna Gb 98 FB 26
1660 (2003) RIT-10-8-DIS-9-RP-6-RP-RP (2002) 3 10.320 17,0 20,8 R. Picchi 0 R. Picchi Aurora Saltarelli
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6 Banca di Pucce 98 FB 26
1660 (2004) 9-9-RSC-6-3-4 (2003) 5-7-1-8 10.760 17,9 21,1 G. Mele jr G. Mele jr sc. Nuova Dirittura
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7 Beatitudo 98 FB 26
1660 (2005) 2-5-5-1-5-5-6-RP-5-RP 10.532 17,8 20,4 S. Berggren L. Berggren sc. Elisabeth Karin
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8 Barman di Re 98 MB 26
1660 (2003) RP-RP-RP-9-7-6-5-12-RP-5 5.614 18,3 19,9 L. Guidi F. Picchi Romano Gasperini
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9 Belle of the Ball FB 26
1660 (2003) RP (2002) 6-RP-RP-3-5-5-7-2-7 5.870 16,9 18,6 A. Gerbi G. Lombardo jr. 24 Pietro Giusti
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10 Bonanno di Gia' 98 MBO 26
1660 (2006) 13-RSC-7-6-7-6-7-6-RP-7 6.316 17,2 19,5 St. Mele St. Mele sc. Giansoldati
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