Ore 15:55 | Premio Pellicola

Corsa 5 | 2060 m | Trio | Grigio


  • € 2.208
  • € 1.056
  • € 576
  • € 288
  • € 192
  • € 960


Le informazioni dal campo sono disponibili solo per gli utenti Professional.

  • Buono

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo
% %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
1 Intensa Lod FB 20
2060 (2010) 5-RP-8-4-7-5-6-1-9-11 4.382 17,8 - J. Benfenati 13 Alf. Gamboz 8 sc. The Best Alf
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2 Italia Caf FB 20
2060 (2011) 9-6-9-5-3-9 (2010) 8-8-RIT-CAD 6.870 16,5 20,8 C. Schipani D. Zanca 0 sc. Tergeste II
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3 Ira dei Grif MB 20
2060 (2013) 7-9-9-8-9 (2012) 8-10-9-13-7 9.892 16,7 19,0 A. Sineri Alf. Gamboz 8 sc. The Best Alf
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4 Ignazio MB 20
2060 (2013) 3-1-3-1-1 (2012) 8-3-5-5-3 10.538 16,0 19,5 P. Scamardella 13 Alf. Gamboz 8 sc. Magic Owl
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5 Ina del Sile FB 20
2060 (2011) 3-RIT-8-7-8-RSC-5-6-7-4 14.396 16,4 20,0 E. Montagna 6 E. Montagna 6 sc. Magica Luce
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6 Ifigenia Bi FB 20
2060 (2010) 13-8-7-RIT-2-3-6-12-1-2 15.128 16,9 - P. Romanelli P. Romanelli & C. sc. Vita Srl
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7 Indiana Satchmo FB 20
2060 (2009) RSC (2008) RSC-9-6-5-4-4-5-6 (2007) RIT 0 17,6 - Villiam Martellini 0 M. Giacometti Renato Bruni
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8 Incamar MB 20
2060 (2011) 9-12-7-9-5-7-1-8-RIT-RP 5.574 17,3 19,7 N. Esposito N. Esposito Andrea Masella
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