Ore 00:00 | siepi debuttanti 3mc

Corsa 3 | 3100 m | | Professionisti


  • € 24.960
  • € 12.480
  • € 7.280
  • € 4.940
  • € 2.340

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
7 Buddy Banks (Fr) 1 F 65,0 0 4,10 24.960,00 V. Cheminaud -
10 Roi Mage (Fr) 2 F 65,0 0 7 lung. 5,50 12.480,00 G. Masure -
1 No Frost (Fr) 3 F 67,0 0 5 lung. 19,00 7.280,00 E. Chazelle -
5 Commingeois (Fr) 4 F 65,0 0 5 lung. 13,00 4.940,00 T. Gueguen -
13 Four True (Fr) 5 F 65,0 0 1 lung. 14,00 2.340,00 T. Beaurain -
4 Lucky Island (Fr) 6 F 65,0 0 2 lung. 16,00 0,00 L. Philipperon -
6 Sceau Royal (Fr) 7 F 65,0 0 4 lung. 5,00 0,00 K. Nabet -
14 Classic Mome (Fr) 8 F 65,0 0 2 lung. e mezza 60,00 0,00 O. Auge -
15 Prince Of Fields (Fr) 9 F 65,0 0 20 lung. 18,00 0,00 R. Schmidlin -
11 Option Be (Fr) 10 CB 12 65,0 0 7 lung. 15,00 0,00 A. De Chitray -
2 Mocky Glaz (Fr) FER F P 67,0 0 91.0 32,00 0,00 A. Lecordier -
3 Easy Go (Fr) FER F 65,0 0 91.0 56,00 0,00 B. Gelhay -
8 Onauraidusemefier (Fr) FER F 65,0 0 91.0 51,00 0,00 A. Baudoin-Boin -
9 Clouds (Fr) FER F 65,0 0 91.0 46,00 0,00 J. Giron -
12 Presque Parfait (Fr) FER F 65,0 0 91.0 25,00 0,00 Y. Michaux -
16 Kabanos (Fr) FER F 66,0 0 91.0 64,00 0,00 G. Adam -
17 Over The Stars (Fr) FER F 65,0 0 91.0 25,00 0,00 M. Regairaz -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 4.10.60

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