Ore 00:00 | Grosser Preis Vom Gestuet Burg Eberstein 2f

Corsa 5 | 1600 m | | Professionisti | Listed Race


  • € 12.000
  • € 4.400
  • € 2.400
  • € 1.200

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
1 Paraisa (GB) 1 FB 15 58,0 1 1,80 12.000,00 E. Pedroza 14 -
4 Enjoy The Life (GB) 2 F 56,0 7 1 lung. e 1/4 6,80 4.400,00 T. Hellier -
8 So Smart (Ger) 3 F 56,0 2 1 lung. 8,00 2.400,00 Filip Minarik -
5 Fashion (Ger) 4 F 56,0 3 3/4 lung. 16,00 1.200,00 F. Veron -
2 All For You (Ger) 5 FB 15 56,0 9 3/4 lung. 15,90 0,00 G. Masure -
7 Petit Espoir (Fr) 6 F 56,0 10 testa 9,30 0,00 A. Helfenbein -
9 Spirit Of Eivissa (Fr) 7 F 56,0 4 1 lung. e 1/4 77,20 0,00 E. Frank -
3 Anaritta (Ger) 8 F 56,0 8 muso 47,00 0,00 W. Panov -
10 Turfsichore (Fr) 9 F 56,0 5 mezza lung. 9,40 0,00 A. Starke 50 -
6 Namera (Ger) 10 FB 15 56,0 6 2 lung. e mezza 7,40 0,00 A. Pietsch -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 1.42.94

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