Ore 19:20 | siepi handicap 4+

Corsa 3 | 3200 m | | Professionisti


  • € 9.240
  • € 2.865
  • € 1.365
  • € 615
  • € 240

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
4 Mr Picotee (Ire) 1 F 72,0 0 13,00 9.240,00 A. Lynch -
2 Jaime Sommers (Ire) 2 F 71,5 0 2 lung. e 1/4 7,50 2.865,00 C. Landers -
9 Bashful Beauty (Ire) 3 F 69,0 0 6 lung. 6,00 1.365,00 S.W. Flanagan -
10 Jefferson Davis (Ire) 4 F 69,0 0 1 lung. e 1/4 15,00 615,00 B.T. O'Connell -
13 Mezajy 5 CB 12 65,0 0 9 lung. 15,00 240,00 D.G. Hogan -
1 Dollar And A Dream (Ire) 6 F 75,5 0 12 lung. 11,00 0,00 D.N. Russell -
6 Here For The Craic (Ire) 7 F 70,5 0 inc. 11,00 0,00 David Mullins -
14 Baron Von Chill (GB) 8 F 63,5 0 3 lung. e 1/4 34,00 0,00 Danny Mullins -
7 Mysticaltou (Ire) 9 F 67,0 0 2 lung. 6,00 0,00 Barry Browne -
3 Double Speak (Ire) 10 F 74,0 0 12 lung. 15,00 0,00 R.M. Power -
8 Ceide Fields (GB) 11 F 70,0 0 1 lung. 7,50 0,00 Denis O'Regan -
5 Zanjabeel (GB) 12 F 71,5 0 2 lung. 21,00 0,00 B.J. Cooper -
12 Romantic (Ire) 13 F 62,0 0 35 lung. 21,00 0,00 Kevin Smith -
11 Rogue Agent (Ire) 14 F P 68,0 0 5 lung. e mezza 13,00 0,00 R. Loughran -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 3.56.10

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