Ore 21:05 | maiden 3+

Corsa 5 | 1200 m | | Professionisti


  • € 6.259
  • € 1.926
  • € 963
  • € 481

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
1 Dash Of Lime (GB) 1 F 55,0 15 17,00 6.258,57 J. Quinn -
2 Millsy (GB) 2 F 55,0 16 mezza lung. 13,00 1.925,71 S. Hitchcott -
3 My Obsession (Ire) 3 F 57,0 3 c.testa 51,00 962,86 M. Fenton -
4 Empire City (Usa) 4 F 57,0 10 3 lung. e mezza 8,00 481,43 S. Sanders -
5 Tadlil (GB) 5 F 57,0 11 3/4 lung. 8,00 0,00 T. Durcan -
6 Burhaan 6 MB 22 57,0 13 3 lung. 9,00 0,00 W. Supple -
7 Murrieta (GB) 7 F 55,0 5 5 lung. 51,00 0,00 A. Daly -
8 Spectacular Dancer (Ire) 8 F 56,0 17 1 lung. e 3/4 51,00 0,00 Derek Nolan -
9 King Marrakech (Ire) 9 F 57,0 1 c.testa 67,00 0,00 R. Smith -
10 Oatcake (GB) 10 F 55,0 6 inc. 4,50 0,00 E. Ahern -
11 Cyclonic (GB) 11 F 57,0 4 mezza lung. 5,00 0,00 J.D. Smith -
12 For Life (Ire) 12 F 57,0 7 1 lung. e mezza 3,75 0,00 N. Callan -
13 War Dancer (GB) 13 F 56,0 2 7 lung. 51,00 0,00 N. Chalmers -
14 Whistle 'n Flute (GB) 14 F 57,0 14 3/4 lung. 34,00 0,00 C. Catlin -
15 Danielle Taylor (GB) 15 F 55,0 8 2 lung. e mezza 67,00 0,00 K. Tinkler -
16 Holly Rocket (GB) 16 F 57,0 12 2 lung. e mezza 81,00 0,00 Natalia Gemelova -
17 Bold Havana (GB) 17 F 55,0 18 9 lung. 67,00 0,00 S. Drowne -
18 Go Like The Wind (GB) 18 F 55,0 9 5 lung. 17,00 0,00 F.P. Ferris -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 1.16.56

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