Ore 15:35 | Premio Torre Del Marzocco

Corsa 5 | 1500 m | | Professionisti | Condizionata | Tris


  • € 4.675
  • € 2.057
  • € 1.122
  • € 561
  • € 2.200

Ultima modifica: 03/03/2023 09:25

N Cavallo Fin % %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
Dal campo
Riservato agli utenti Professional
1 Ancora Drago 6 MB 7 56,0 3-5--2-4-4 (2023) 12--2-5 20.284 Leggermente Pesante 98 -13 G. Sanna 9 F. Ferramosca 19 Maria Teresa Cerrai Ferramosca
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2 Cool And Dry 10 MB 7 P 60,0 (2023) 5-6-5 (2022) 3-1-3-2-2-8-8 22.409 Morbido Pesante 104 -11 A. Fele 6 A.D. Migheli 7 Barbaricina Racing Stable
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3 Donn Clifs (Ire) 9 MB 7 55,0 (2023) 2-10 (2022) 6 (2021) 10-RPA-RPA-RPA-2-7-10 0 93 ? F. Bossa 7 M. Nieslanik 20 Eva Nieslanikova
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4 Happiness Therapy 8 FG 6 55,0 2-1-2-1 (2023) 1--4-9-6-6 23.256 Buono 109 0 Sara Del Fabbro 12 A. Botti 7 Stefano Botti Turf
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5 Kodiac Blue (GB) 5 CB 5 55,0 4-7-7-2-13-4-6 (2023) 1-1-9 0 Buono Morbido 70 ? G. Ercegovic 9 Gian Matteo Lenzi 20 Gian Matteo Lenzi
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6 Lyricus (ire) 7 MB 5 55,0 8-11--6-11 (2023) 10-1-1-10 0 Buono Morbido 89 ? S. Gessa 3 E.C. Racing Stable 0 Alma Racing
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7 Master Dutch 4 MG 5 55,0 (2023) 4-6--3-2-12-12-3-9-8 7.990 Sabbia Morbido 101 R M. Arras 15 C. Pecchioli 14 Roberta Saviozzi
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8 Please Exceed 3 MG 6 55,0 1-1 (2023) 4-10-1-7-3-4-1-8 15.725 All Weather 100 -1 Mario Sanna 13 A. Botti 7 A. Botti
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9 Vis A Vis 2 MB 6 57,0 (2023) 7-6-2-2--3-4 (2022) 4-4-3 34.306 Pesante 112 0 N. Pinna 7 A. Botti 7 Stefano Botti Turf
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10 Win The Best 1 MS 8 56,0 12-6-11-1-7 (2023) 7-2-8-6-3 37.621 Morbido Pesante 110 -1 D. Di Tocco 21 E.C. Racing Stable 0 Razza Latina
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