Corsa 5 | 1400 m | Pista media | Professionisti | Maiden | Trio


  • € 7.463
  • € 3.284
  • € 1.791
  • € 896
  • € 2.283


Le informazioni dal campo sono disponibili solo per gli utenti Professional.

  • Buono
  • Steccato

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin % %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
Dal campo
Riservato agli utenti Professional
1 Bath 12 FB 30 57,0 (1999) 8-2-3-8 (1998) 13-1-7-1-3-5 0 - - M. Pasquale L. Camici Franco Bracci
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2 Candy Rama 8 FB 30 57,0 (1998) 9-11-5-7 (1997) 10-7-4-6-7-4 0 - - S. Atzori S. Sorrentino Az. Agr. Ellepi
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3 Cuba Libre 1 FB 30 57,0 (1998) 2 (1997) 7-3-3-6-6-9-4 (1996) 13-7 1.317 - - M. Demuro L. D'Auria Incolinx
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4 Ekkarin 10 FB 30 57,0 (1999) 5-5-10-6 (1998) 10-RSC-11-7-8-3 1.054 - - G. Bietolini A. Colella Sc. Tamara
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5 Folgore 9 FS 30 57,0 (1996) 9-1-2-1 0 - - F. Iovine J. Dunlop All. Annarosa
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6 Irene The Best 11 FBO 30 57,0 (1999) 9-RPA-9 (1997) 10-6 (1996) 8-7-11-9-9 896 - - M. Planard V. Sarti Sc. Ferruccio Giacobbe
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7 Magia del Mar 2 FB 30 57,0 (1998) 8-7-5-8-3-8 (1997) 11-11-10-9 0 - - M. Botti G. Botti Sc. Siba
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8 Sanjana Great 3 FBO 30 57,0 (2001) RSC-4-3-6-5-5 (2000) 9-9-4-9 0 - - L. Maniezzi 11 A. Tavazzani Sc. Antares
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9 Siberian Melody 4 FG 30 57,0 (1999) RPA-3-2-3-2-8-+-1-RPA-5 0 - - S. Dettori R. Feligioni Zaro
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10 Standing Ovation 5 FB 30 57,0 (1997) 6-3-3-+-5-RSC-6-10-8-5 0 - - L. Sorrentino Grizzetti Galoppo 14 Sc. Belforte
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11 Statti Bene 6 FB 30 57,0 (1998) 9-6-4-4-7-RSC-RPA-6-8-9 896 - - G. Forte C. Panici Carlo Panici
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12 Swith Water 7 FB 30 57,0 (1999) 7-5-13 (1998) 5-6-4-13-13-8-5 896 - - L. Panici V. Oriani 12 The Rht
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