Ore 19:25 | maiden 3+

Corsa 2 | 1200 m | | Professionisti


  • € 7.590
  • € 1.870
  • € 880
  • € 550

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo Fin distacco quota % % commenti
1 Laganore (Ire) 1 FB 12 57,0 2 9,00 7.590,00 F. Berry -
2 Glimmer Of Peace (Ire) 2 F 57,0 7 1 lung. e 1/4 5,50 1.870,00 Billy Lee -
3 Future Icon (GB) 3 F C 57,0 8 1 lung. e 1/4 13,00 880,00 C. O'Donoghue -
4 Little Treasure 4 FB 12 57,0 10 testa 26,00 550,00 J.A. Heffernan -
5 Yulong Baozuo (Ire) 5 F 56,0 1 mezza lung. 51,00 0,00 Taylor Marshall -
6 Chestnut Fire (GB) 6 F 59,5 5 c.testa 21,00 0,00 S. Foley -
7 Title Page (Ire) 7 F 57,0 12 3 lung. 9,00 0,00 G.F. Carroll -
8 Ying Yang (Ire) 8 F 55,0 9 c.testa 101,00 0,00 R. Downey -
9 Prance (Ire) 9 F 57,0 4 1 lung. e 1/4 4,00 0,00 W. Lordan -
10 Lord Carleton (Ire) 10 F 59,5 14 1 lung. e 1/4 4,00 0,00 P.J. Smullen -
11 Zorba The Greek (GB) 11 F 57,0 6 c.testa 15,00 0,00 T. Madden -
12 Gottahavit (Ire) 12 F 61,5 11 4 lung. e 3/4 67,00 0,00 L.F. Roche -
13 Flower Pass 13 FS 12 57,0 15 testa 21,00 0,00 N.G. McCullagh -
14 Jessamine (Ire) 14 F 57,0 13 1 lung. 67,00 0,00 D.M. Grant -
15 Mianya Return (Ire) FER F 59,5 3 91.0 67,00 0,00 Ronan Whelan -

Dati corsa

Tempo vincitore 1.11.93

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