Ore 15:40 | Premio A. B. Store

Corsa 4 | 2000 m | Pista media | Professionisti | Maiden | Tris


  • € 4.250
  • € 1.870
  • € 1.020
  • € 510
  • € 2.000

Ultima modifica: 03/03/2023 15:44

N Cavallo Fin % %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
Dal campo
Riservato agli utenti Professional
1 Billy The Glory 3 MB 4 57,0 8-9-4-4-10-2-7-1 (2023) 2-5 3.179 Morbido Pesante 95 -4 M. Monteriso 15 R. Cova 13 Sc. Ferruccio Giacobbe
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2 Charline 7 FB 4 55,5 (2023) 7-7-6-11-6-9 0 85 -14 A. Fele 7 C. Pecchioli 0 Roberta Saviozzi
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3 Enrico dei Grif 9 CB 4 57,0 13-8-9-7 (2023) 3--8-2-13-3 2.944 Buono 96 -3 D. Vargiu 17 S. Botti 18 All. Il Grifone Soc. Agr.
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4 Gatto Go 4 MBO 4 57,0 (2023) 11-8-4-9-4-4 918 92 -7 D. Di Tocco 20 Endo Botti Galoppo 12 Isabelle Haskell De Tomaso
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5 Harmony Dancer (Ire) 12 FB 4 55,5 (2023) 6-3-2-2-5-2-4-2-3-6 0 Buono Morbido 78 ? S. Urru 16 A. Botti 6 A. Botti
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6 Lion Cub (Gb) 8 FG 4 55,5 10-14-11 (2023) 11-7-4-1-3-6-2 0 Buono Morbido - ? S. Gessa 4 F. De Paola 12 Federico De Paola
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7 Morning Glory (Fr) 5 MB 4 57,0 (2023) 3-4-3-5-1-2 (2012) 2-9 (2010) 16-7 0 Buono Morbido - -9 S. Sulas 8 Andrea Manuele 8 Noemi Pulcini
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8 Nefertari (Fr) 11 FS 4 55,5 (2023) 6-10-10-7 0 90 -9 F. Dettori 7 Endo Botti Galoppo 12 Razza Latina
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9 Queen Marine (Ire) 1 FS 4 55,5 (2023) 7-11-8-5-11-1-7-3-7-10 0 Buono 83 -15 A. Mezzatesta 10 R. Cova 13 Sc. Ferruccio Giacobbe
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10 Regal Love 10 MB 4 57,0 5-5-7-5-5-6-7-2 (2023) 5-6 4.957 Morbido 99 0 A. Satta 12 G.L. Verricelli 8 Antonino D'Amico
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11 River Girl 6 FB 4 54,0 4-7-5 (2023) 6-8-6-4-2--3 0 Buono Morbido 91 -5 Sara Del Fabbro 11 A. Botti 6 A. Botti
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12 With The Rainfall (GB) 2 CS 4 P 57,0 2-3-4-6-7--5-1-1-2 0 Buono Morbido 75 ? Mario Sanna 15 S. Botti 18 Stefano Botti Turf
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