Corsa 4 | 1640 m | Trio | Azzurro


  • € 3.564
  • € 1.704
  • € 930
  • € 465
  • € 310
  • € 1.549


Le informazioni dal campo sono disponibili solo per gli utenti Professional.

  • Buono

Ultima modifica: 11/03/2022 18:29

N Cavallo
% %
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
V P2
1 Tyrrec di Gia' 93 CB 31
1640 (2003) RP-7-3-7-9-4-12-4-5-6 2.123 17,2 19,8 I. Tamborrino 10 sc. Corinna
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2 Tempa 93 FB 31
1640 (2000) RSC-8-5-RP-2-5-3-8-8-4 4.178 18,8 20,0 R. Biagini 2 sc. Pittini
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3 Topa De' Cor 93 FB 31
1640 (1998) RP-9-7-9-6-RPA (1997) RP-RIT-6-3 16.234 16,3 - R. Andreghetti C. Rubino
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4 The Great Dyke 93 MB 31
1640 (2003) RP-1-3-RSC-5-4-3-3-2-3 21.423 17,7 20,3 V. La Porta sc. Delton
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5 Titta di Pri' 93 FB 31
1640 (1998) 10-5-3-3-6-7-RP-8-8-3 10.753 17,1 18,4 L. Berggren sc. Bindi
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6 The First Air 93 MB 31
1640 (2000) RSC-5-6-5-RSC-9-2-3-RP-RP 18.600 17,7 19,2 G. Lombardo jr 13 all. L'Airone
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7 Thandor di Gia' 93 MB 31
1640 (1998) 8-9-RP-8-10-10-5-4-7-1 4.367 19,1 - St. Mele sc. Giansoldati
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8 Tino Blue 93 CB 31
1640 (2003) 8-8-1-4-7-7-1-5-8-3 19.897 17,0 19,2 R. Picchi 0 sc. Silva
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9 Terry Jones 93 FB 31
1640 (1998) RP-7-9-4-4-2-4-6-2-4 19.987 18,1 20,6 A. Greppi 8 Aurora Saltarelli
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